Life Update

WOW! its been awhile since i have posted a blog post, but don’t you worry because I am coming back better than ever! I thought since its been a few months that I would give you all a life update on what I have been up to so far in 2019. It has been quite a whirlwind, so buckle up and get ready for the ride!

So firstly, I have been working on ME a lot, which is something that I had put on my 2019 goals, so I am incredibly proud of myself for really sticking to it. I got a gym membership to the LA Fitness by the house and I have been trying to go everyday. I started going after work and doing yoga and Zumba classes, but recently I have been getting up at 5 am and going to the gym before work. I know what a majority of you are thinking trust me, I thought I was crazy too at first. Honestly, I LOVE it! I have so much more energy during the day and I can tell that my metabolism is working so much more faster. I am feeling and seeing results everyday and I couldn’t be more happy. I am also really enjoying the fact that Mitchell has really embraced eating healthy with me which has been such a motivation. So to all you women out there, if you haven’t found him yet, find yourself a true supportive MAN. I promise they will not let you down!

I have also been exploring and living my best life with my best friend still. Click here to see some videos on Mitchell’s Youtube channel of some of the adventures that we have experienced thus far. We have been finding new places as well as visiting old ones and documenting our day. Most of the time we are riding ours bikes, but let me tell you the tan I have from all of these adventures is pretty serious, and its only April!

Also let me add that I have experienced the best dog mom moment as well in the last few weeks. Lyla is OFFICIALLY out of her crate full time!! For those of you who are thinking about getting a puppy or have a new puppy, crate training was the best thing I ever did with Lyla. Yes a crate sucks and when the dog doesn’t like it and screams and cries is the hardest thing, but they learn to adapt and it makes it that much easier to train them. Lyla will be 3 years old in November (CRAZY!!) and I felt that it was time to take that next step and she took it like a champ! She is growing up and becoming the best dog a girl could ever have!

And last but certainly not least, I started a new business venture that I am so excited to tell you about! Up until a year ago it was just me and Lyla, and before I had Lyla it was just me. In those years I was comfortable with where I was financially. I was paying my bills on time and still had money to have fun every once in a while. When I moved the Florida 7 months ago I quickly realized that my life drastically changed and I wasn’t just working and living for me and my dog, I was working and living for my little family. Although we have only been together for a year I think about our future and I suddenly begin to feel so much anxiety about how we are going to get to that place financially. So, when it presented itself to me I decided to take a step out of my comfort zone and made the leap to become a consultant for the #1 skin care company in North America, Rodan + Fields!

The last year or so I have been really getting into skin care and finding remedies for clearing up my skin. I experienced a trouble period when I moved from Nashville to Florida because of the difference of the climates between the two states. When I lived in Nashville it was so dry which caused my skin to get these strange dry patches. I hadn’t really found a remedy for it, but when I moved to Florida I quickly realized that my skin was experiencing a different sort of reaction to Florida weather. With it being so hot and humid my pores started to get bigger and my skin became oily and irritated. I was out looking high and low for some sort of remedy and when I found Rodan + Fields and saw all of the amazing results I had to learn more. When the opportunity to sell this miracle skin care line came to me I couldn’t pass it up and here are my reasons why:

  • I needed a new remedy for my skin and I KNEW that Rodan + Fields had the fix

  • I knew that It would be a way to make some extra savings for mine and Mitchell’s future

  • I get to make so many friends by interacting with people and educating them on not only this wonderful product but skin care in general, something I have become very passionate about, all while in the comfort of my own home.

I mean you can’t tell me that it was a no brainer and that I had to at least give it a shot. So here I am, announcing to all of you and excited for what my future holds. If you are in need of some skin care love and want to know more about the product and even the company please don’t hesitate to contact me! There are many ways to do so. You can either contact me through the contact page, social media, and even my email

Also, make sure to go follow me on Social Media (links below), where I share more of my life, my pups, my adventures and NOW my business! And for a chance to win free product, you can attend my first VIRTUAL LAUNCH this Tursday April 11, 2019 at 8:30pm EST. If you would like to join please contact me and I will invite you to the Facebook group! Can’t wait to see you all there!

I also promise to put more blogs for you in the coming months. I have lots of ideas and can’t wait to post and interact with all of you again. Until then make sure to go check out my Rodan+Fields website and take advantage of the FREE consultation by using the Solutions Tool. Can’t wait to share more on how to make your skin glow!
